Do you want to help scientists
find answers to COVID-19 questions?
COVID-19 impacted all of us here in Utah and across the world. Researchers at the University of Utah are teaming up to find answers to questions on how to prevent future outbreaks and save lives.
You can help by taking part in research.
FInd a research study below to take part in:
- Lifestyle changes during COVID-19. A study to look at stress, sleep, diet, and physical
activity during the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 and the Affect of Social Isolation on Health
- Access to family planning services during COVID-19 pandemic
- Coronavirus Household Evaluation and Respiratory Testing (C-HEaRT) Cohort Study
- Examining social support needs and networks of cancer survivors and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Tracking COVID-19 and cancer symptoms from home on the Symptom Care at Home (SCH) telehealth system
- Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on University of Utah Students leisure behavior and health
- Impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and domestic violence
- Impact of being a frontline worker during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Work and Work Culture
- A Pilot Study of Human Amniotic Fluid for COVID-19 Associated Respiratory Failure
- ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (ECMOCARD)
- A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with ModerateCOVID-19 Compared to Standard of Care Treatment (GS-US-540-5774)
- Clinical predictors of COVID-19 infection
- A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with SevereCOVID-19 (GS-US-540-5773)
Didn't find a study that interests you?
Please fill out the survey and we will contact you when other studies open up:
Study List
IRB # | Study Title |
IRB_00131892 | Remote COVID-19 Symptom Tracking and Improved Cancer Symptom Control for Cancer Patients at Home During the Pandemic |
IRB_00131618 | A Pilot Study of Human Amniotic Fluid for COVID-19 Associated Respiratory Failure |
IRB_00131933 | Data Coordinating Center for COVID-19 Trials |
IRB_00131842 | ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (ECMOCARD) |
IRB_00131713 | COVID-19 Retrospective Chart Review Multi-center Study |
IRB_00131468 | A Registry Study of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Among Pregnant and Immediately Postpartum Women |
IRB_00131559 | Impact of Coronavirus on Leisure Behavior and Health |
IRB_00131837 | Sleep, diet and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic: Relationships with psychological adjustment and illness prevention behaviors |
IRB_00131482 | Coronavirus Perceptions Among U.S. Adults |
IRB_00131628 | Evaluation of physician practice changes from Coronavirus 19 |
IRB_00131642 | COVID-19 clinical prediction |
IRB_00131483 | COVID-19 Effects on Clinical Research Units Across the CTSA Consortium |
IRB_00131588 | A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with ModerateCOVID-19 Compared to Standard of Care Treatment (GS-US-540-5774) |
IRB_00132023 | Evaluation of simulation education for COVID-19 personal protective equipment |
IRB_00131074 | Testing of Archived De-Identified Clinical Specimens on the BioFire COVID-19 Test to Support an EUA Submission. |
IRB_00131521 | Testing of Archived SARS-CoV-2 Specimens for Evaluation of the BioFire COVID-19 Test |
IRB_00131281 | Clinical predictors of COVID-19 infection |
IRB_00131593 | A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with SevereCOVID-19 (GS-US-540-5773) |
IRB_00132039 | COVID-19 and Domestic Violence: Understanding Domestic Violence and Stay-At-Home Orders in a Pandemic |
IRB_00131657 | COVID-19 & the Effect of Social Isolation on Health |
IRB_00131910 | Resilience and Pathology among Individuals Exposed to Occupational Trauma Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic |
IRB_00132019 | COVID-19: Assessing Sexual and Reproductive Health Access in Utah During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
IRB_00132269 | Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Work and Work Culture |
Tracking COVID-19 and cancer symptoms from home on the Symptom Care at Home (SCH) telehealth system
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to see if the symptom tracker is helpful in tracking symptoms related to COVID-19.
If you qualify you will be placed into 1 of 2 groups:
Group 1 will be asked to fill out surveys and be given information about COVID-19 symptoms and when to contact your doctor. The study team will also collect health information from your medical record.
Group 2 will be asked to report symptoms in the symptom tracker. If you are in this group you will track your symptoms for up to 4 months.
Are 18 or older.
Are receiving cancer treatment at Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI).
Own a smartphone.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
A Pilot Study of Human Amniotic Fluid for COVID-19 Associated Respiratory Failure
Data Coordinating Center for COVID-19 Trials
ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (ECMOCARD)
COVID-19 Retrospective Chart Review Multi-center Study
A Registry Study of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Among Pregnant and Immediately Postpartum Women
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on University of Utah Students leisure behavior and health
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to learn how the pandemic has impacted University of Utah students as a result of social distancing.
Are 18 or older.
And a University of Utah student.
1 - 5-minute survey
Will I be paid for my time? No.
Lifestyle changes during COVID 19. A study to look at stress, sleep, diet, and physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic
Study Summary: The purpose of this study is to better understand how COVID-19 affects stress, sleep, diet, and exercise.
1 - 15-minute survey, and
3 - 7-day surveys, 3 times over a period of 3 months.
This study will be done from your home.
Are 18 or older.
Live in Utah.
Own a smartphone.
Will I be paid for my time? Yes.
For more information contact: 801-585-1123 or
Study to look at people’s views of Covid-19 and the advice on how to stay safe
Study summary: The study is looking at people’s views of COVID-19 and the messages on how to stay safe. We want to see if different messages effect how people view the risk and their attitudes towards them.
Are 18 or older.
Will I be paid for my time? Yes.
Rachael Katz at or
Jakob Jensen at
Evaluation of physician practice changes from Coronavirus 19
COVID-19 clinical prediction
COVID-19 Effects on Clinical Research Units Across the CTSA Consortium
A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with ModerateCOVID-19 Compared to Standard of Care Treatment (GS-US-540-5774)
Evaluation of simulation education for COVID-19 personal protective equipment
Testing of Archived De-Identified Clinical Specimens on the BioFire COVID-19 Test to Support an EUA Submission
Testing of Archived SARS-CoV-2 Specimens for Evaluation of the BioFire COVID-19 Test
Clinical predictors of COVID-19 infection
A Phase 3 Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and AntiviralActivity of Remdesivir (GS-5734™) in Participants with SevereCOVID-19 (GS-US-540-5773)
Impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders and domestic violence
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to understand the extent of domestic violence while stay-at-home orders are in place.
Are a first responder, law enforcement, victim advocate from a local domestic violence organization, or health official involved in domestic violence, or
A victim referred by one of the qualified victim advocate partners.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
For more information contact: (801) 581-5647
COVID-19 and the Effect of Social Isolation on Health
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to learn how social measures to fight COVID-19 are effecting people’s physical and mental health.
1 - 15-minute survey, and
3 - 7-day surveys, 3 times over a period of 3 months.
This study will be done from your home.
Are 18 or older.
Have internet access.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
For more information contact: SMILe Lab at the University of Utah at (801) 587-8972or by email at
Impact of being a frontline worker during the COVID-19 pandemic
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to learn the extent of mental health distress on frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Are 18 or older.
Are a frontline responder in the healthcare system, fire service, law enforcement, or first responding agencies.
If you qualify you will be asked to complete a one-time survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
For more information
Access to family planning services during COVID-19 pandemic
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to learn if there are barriers to access family planning services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
If you qualify you will be asked to complete a one-time survey. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.
Are 18 or older.
- Live in Utah, and
Were in 1 of two previous birth control studies conducted by U of U researchers.
Contact the study team for more information to see if you qualify.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
For more information contact:
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) study for people who test positive to COVID-19 that aren’t in the hospital
Study Summary: The purpose of this study is to test if HCQ helps treat COVID-19.
Take HCQ or a sugar pill for 5 days.
- Provide 3 blood samples. A study team member will come to your home 2 times to collect the 1st two samples. They will be in protective clothing. This may scare your neighbors. The last blood draw will take place in a clinic.
- Answer questions about how you are feeling.
- Take throat swabs every day for 14 days.
- Are 18 or older.
- Tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 48 hours.
- Not in the hospital.
- Live in Utah.
Will I be paid for my time? No.
For more information contact: Ainsley Huffman, 801-587-2093 or
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Work and Work Culture
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to understand how COVID-19 requirements to work-from-home have impacted work and perceived work culture.
If you qualify you will complete:
- A one-time survey, it may take up to 15 minutes to complete. LINK:
You may qualify if you:
- Are 18 or older and are able to provide your own consent.
- Have internet access.
- And have been asked to work from home due to the COVID-19 crisis.
For more information contact: Heather Walker at (801) 587-6445 or by email at .
Examining social support needs and networks of cancer survivors and their caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Why are we doing this study? We are doing this study to learn about the impact of COVID-19 on the support systems of cancer survivors and their caregivers.
- Are 18 or older.
- Are a cancer survivor with a support person/caregiver willing to participate
- Have been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years
- A 30-minute online survey
- A 5-minute daily survey for 7 days. The daily surveys will be completed once a month for 3 months
Will I be paid for my time? Yes, participants will receive a $50 gift card at the completion of each round of daily surveys for a total of $150.
For more information contact: Kelly Mansfield at (801)548-8840 or
Coronavirus Household Evaluation and Respiratory Testing (C-HEaRT) Cohort Study
Why are we doing this study? We want to learn about how SARS-CoV-2 transmits within families and study antibody response to infection. This study is planned to last at least through February 2021.
- Self-collect weekly nasal swabs and send them to a lab in pre-paid boxes
- Complete weekly symptom questionnaires
- If anyone becomes ill, collect and send some extra samples
- Adults will have blood drawn at least three times to check for antibodies. Blood collection is optional for people under age 18.
- Everything except the blood draws happens in your home.
- Your family includes at least one member under age 18.
- At least half of your household agrees to participate.
- You are willing to visit one of our sites for blood draws (currently Logan and Salt Lake City).
Will I be paid for my time and effort? Yes. A participating family of four completing all parts of the study would receive $90/month.
For more information: Call/text 385-202-0199 or email: